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Dr. Georg Wurzer translation and research services


Dr. Georg Wurzer
Thummstrasse 6
D-88271 Wilhelmsdorf

>> Citymap at Google Maps

Mobile: +49 176 - 28 37 95 41
Phone: +49 7503 / 9 31 98 85
Fax: +49 7503 / 9 31 76 20

Homepage: http://www.wurzer-uebersetzungen.de

Professional information:
Certified by the district court of Ravensburg (Marienplatz 7, D-88214 Ravensburg, Germany) according to § 15 para 3 in conjunction with § 15 para 4 AGGVG BW (Law for the execution of the Judicature law and of proceeding laws of the ordinary jurisdication of the federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg) as a “public authorized and sworn translator of documents of the Russian language”

Tax-number:  77498/43821, finance office of Ravensburg, Germany

Picture credits: Photo of Georg Wurzer (Source: Georg Wurzer, Copyright: Georg Wurzer), Stork-picture (Source: Mohamed Ibrahim, clker.com, public domain), Globe (Source: Geo Swan, wikimedia.org, public domain), Flags on the globe (Source: Google, wiwikimedia.org, apache license), Basilius Cathedrale (Source: Benjamin Zingg, wikimedia.org, public domain), Certificate (Source: wikimedia.org, public domain), Novopiletsk steel (Source: Press-sluzhba Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federacii, www.kremlin.ru, public domain), Lupa (Source: Julo, wikimedia.org, public domain).
Übersetzungsbüro Dr. Georg Wurzer
Dr. Georg Wurzer Translations Russian- Englisch-German
Dr. Georg Wurzer
Thummstraße 6

D-88271 Wilhelmsdorf
E-Mail: kontakt@wurzer-uebersetzungen.de
Mobile: +49 176 - 28 37 95 41
Phone: +49 7503 / 9 31 98 85
+49 7503 / 9 31 76 20

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